Challenge Champions

Congratulations to the winners of United Nations Environmental Programme-Tide Turners Plastic Challenge!

On the Earth Day (22 April), the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) announced the winners of the UNEP Young Leaders Plastic Challenge 2021–2022.  The champions are congratulated by Team PIES on their meticulous effort in completing all three levels’ challenges to win the championship.

The winners are listed below:

Grade 7

Aishwarya Shyjith

Amogh Rajesh Kaushik

Govind Subhash

Rakesh Rajasekaran

Grade 9

Ashvik Linu Varghese

Pallavi Kiran

Pranav Kiran

Rishon Augustine Santhosh

Grade 10

Sreelakshmi Menon

Grade 11

Aamod Varma

Trun Ramteke

Phani Uday Gadepalli

Grade 12

Meenakshi Subhash

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