Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots UAE

Roots & Shoots encourages children to implement practical positive change for people, animals and the environment by providing teachers with free resources and a place to share their success stories with the world.

Sustaination Conference 2: Global Environment Vision 2030

Waste management has emerged as one of the most critical challenges facing the world today. The long-term impacts of waste will...
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Sustaination Conference 2: Global Environment Vision 2030

Hot popping popcorn

While tidying up one of the beds at the end of term, K2B was surprised to find a well-formed but...
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Hot popping popcorn

Galactic drinks – by Isaac

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away……. It was May and heat had engulfed the UAE so...
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Galactic drinks – by Isaac

Innovative Vertical Gardens @ Mayoor – 2024

Students directly engage with plant growth, gaining a deeper understanding of the role plants play in the environment. They can...
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Innovative Vertical Gardens @ Mayoor – 2024

Waste To Wow – Sustainability Competition @ Mayoor

Sustainability, ensuring the future of life on Earth, is an infinite game, the endless expression of generosity on behalf of...
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Waste To Wow – Sustainability Competition @ Mayoor

Sustainable Development Goal Champions – Leadership & Diplomacy – 2024

We are thrilled to congratulate Advika Shalini, Rashi Sanjay, Nidhi Rohit and Mia Susan on being named Sustainable Development Goal...
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Sustainable Development Goal Champions – Leadership & Diplomacy – 2024

Celebrating World Chimpanzee Day

The 14th of July is World Chimpanzee Day, where people around the world unite to celebrate the innate value, complexity...
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Celebrating World Chimpanzee Day

Ali’s hydroponics – a conversation with Ali

Hi! My name is Ali Al Suwaidi. I’m about to graduate to Grade 8 here at Clarion School. I'm Emirati...
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Ali’s hydroponics – a conversation with Ali

Sustainable Eating Habits @ Mayoor – Zero Food Wastage Day

Healthy Lunch Box Challenge: Eat More Veggies Day and create healthy burgers! These activities aimed to instill a sense of...
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Sustainable Eating Habits @ Mayoor – Zero Food Wastage Day

Making chalk from eggshells – by Lour

At Clarion School we have an after-school activity called the Diggers. It is a group of kids that love gardening...
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Making chalk from eggshells – by Lour

Colin Firth and Jane Goodall in 2009

Supported by Colin Firth

“It has been exciting to see the development of Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots in the UAE over the past decade. Roots & Shoots’ mission is to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations by engaging young people in positive action. Young environmental stewards being supported in the UAE is very inspiring”
Colin Firth

Join Our Twinning Programme

Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots manages a twinning programme between schools in the UAE and schools in the United Kingdom.

This is a great opportunity to learn about another group’s homeland, environment, wildlife, culture, religion and languages. Use technology such as email and video conferencing to give your students a personalised look at your partner school and its students and activities. The perspectives you gain from another culture will encourage your students to express themselves clearly.

Find out more »

Our Members

Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots has members from all over the UAE.

You can find out more about our members here or see where they all are on our map.


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