Updates from Clarion School Dubai

Hot popping popcorn

While tidying up one of the beds at the end of term, K2B was surprised to find a well-formed but …

Galactic drinks – by Isaac

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…….

It was May and heat had engulfed the UAE so the …

Ali’s hydroponics – a conversation with Ali

Hi! My name is Ali Al Suwaidi. I’m about to graduate to Grade 8 here at Clarion School. I’m Emirati …

Making chalk from eggshells – by Lour

At Clarion School we have an after-school activity called the Diggers. It is a group of kids that love gardening …

The story of our papaya trees

We are extremely proud of the 3 papaya trees growing at the end of the Clarion Community Garden. Not only …


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