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Clarion families value composting and gardening

Our school Eco committee conducted a survey towards the end of last year to gauge parents’ support for composting and gardening initiatives at the school.

Not only was the response rate significantly higher than for typical school surveys, but parents overwhelmingly supported sustainability initiatives at the school.

84% of parents considered composting and gardening activities to be very important.
70% of our parents also consider composting and gardening activities to be a factor in choosing a school for their child.

Comments from parents also show their support for these activities. Here are a few:

We as a family value a lot the ‘out of classroom activities’ especially in nature/the garden. We believe that to manually take care of a garden helps to regulate their emotions, teach them patience and resilience, and to take care of others….

This is the future and kids need these skills. Gardening and composting teach skills for life beyond simple gardening.

Living in an apartment in Dubai, I really rely on school to expose my kids to these types of things that we don’t have access to at home. I feel that gardening/composting can help the curriculum come alive for the kids.

I love walking into the school and seeing the garden developing. It brings a sense of wholesomeness, of connection with nature….

It’s good to know that we’re all looking in the same direction when it comes to composting and gardening.

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2041 ClimateForce Green Hope NYU Abu Dhabi - Community Outreach DP World Compassion in World Farming Windsor Castle: College of St George UAE Ministry of Education International Fund for Animal Welfare