Clarion Community Garden by Mau, Grade 7


  1. What inspired you to make a FlipaClip video about our school’s community garden?

Mau: Ms. Dani asked me to make it so we could share all our news about the garden with everyone.”

  1. What do you think are some of the benefits of having a community garden at our school?

Mau: “Just for people to learn more about plants and how they work.”

  1. What do you hope people will learn or take away from watching your video?

Mau: “That gardening has a lot of potential rather than just food or looking pretty. And we can all contribute to making the school a greener place.”

  1. Do you think the community garden has brought people together at our school? If so, how?

Mau: “Yes, a lot of the classes take turns to look after the garden and have even added plants to outside.”

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