Dr Jane back in the UAE after three years of virtual appearances!

A sneak peak of Dr Jane’s UAE diary

25th January

After landing in Dubai, it was straight to a meeting with the Minister for International Cooperation, followed by the first interview of the week with The National News

26th January

An exciting day at the Roots & Shoots Awards

27th January

The Arbor School visit – Dr Jane met with board members, teachers and students and was given an uplifting tour of the school grounds before delivering an inspiring talk to a large audience. Then more interviews followed with Philanthropy Age Magazine available on Apple and Spotify.

28th January

Off to the studios for interviews with Nas Daily; Sharjah Media

30th January

Dr Jane visited Fairgreen International School and officially opened the ‘Goodall block’; attended a presentation with participants from a Roots & Shoots Roundtable before delivering an amazing talk to encourage students to take positive action.

The afternoon involved an interview with Ananke Magazine

Our ED Tara Golshan, reflected on the week with Dr Jane

I have had the fortune of working with Dr Jane for seventeen years and what a privilege it has been.

We have been visiting the UAE together since 2011 when we first attended the Eye on Earth Summit in Abu Dhabi. Jane has an incredible magic about her that never fails to inspire every person she meets. From Presidents to Royalty, to the youngest student members of Roots & Shoots, she always displays her own brand of compassion and empathy; encouraging positive action for the environment and more importantly, hope and inspiration, especially to those in challenging environments and climates, the UAE being a good example of this. Her energy and enthusiasm never wavers, and her commitment to visit each and every school and speak to individual students is steady and unfailing, no matter the circumstances. I am always awed by her level of commitment where many of us tire way before a 12-14 hour day is complete.

Thank you Jane for all that you do and continue to do for our Planet and its inhabitants.

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