At last, a lockdown perk! Storytime with Jane – virtual book readings!

As we all know, Dr Jane travels about 300 days a year – lectures; conference; events; fundraisers to name just a few of her portfolio of activities…. But the last few months our eminent traveller has had to spend the time in lockdown at her home in Bournemouth, UK.

Most might have taken this time to relax but not Dr Jane.  In true style she has not stopped working – interviews; webinars; virtual events…. she has done it all!

In keeping of her character she also did not forget all the young people at home and wanted to do something special for them  –  so began ‘Storytime with Jane’, where Dr Jane does a live reading of some of her children’s books. What a treat for all. Enjoy!

Chimpanzee Family Book; Elephant Family; Me…Jane and the Eagle and the Wren


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