The training session was attended by five students from Grades I to VII.
The students had previously attended a session on solar lamp assembly and were aware of the components and working of each part. The students were individually assisted by volunteers which had been trained in the earlier batch.
A recap and familiarized with the physical and technical components of the lamp was done by Ms. Supriya Naigaonkar. They then assembled the lamps and were happy to see them working well.
The students were guided to assemble the kit provided and make Solar Urja Lamps ( SoUl) by the team of trainers.
The students were excited to make the lamps and interacted with students from different grades, guiding and assisting each other. Most students used the soldering iron for the first time and followed step wise instructions to make lamps The hands-on activity playful engaged every student and aroused their natural curiosity. It helped them develop the skills and confidence which will make them successful Student Ambassadors.
The session concluded by the Students packing the SoUL lamps and solar panels which will be placed in STEAM labs to spread further awareness on solar energy.
As per the students feedback the most liked parts of the session were Familiarization with Solar Lamp Kit Components, Testing of the components and Assembly of the kit.
Soldering of load wire with LED strip and LED alignment were the most impressive features of the training session.