Roots and Shoots @ St. Joseph’s School, Abu Dhabi

Students of St. Joseph’s School were privileged to welcome Ms. Mariam Al Qassimi, Communications Specialists at the Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi and coordinator for the Roots and Shoots in the United Arab Emirates. The interactive session was organized on 7th November, 2016 by the school eco-club- Verte.

Ms. Al Qassimi was welcomed and greeted by our Principal Sr. Carmen along with Verte members. She gave a very informative talk to us highlighting various environmental issues faced by the world today. She also spoke about Dr. Jane Goodall, who started Roots and Shoots with a group of Tanzania students in 1991 and today have nearly 150,000 members in more than 130 countries. With her unyielding patience and inspiring actions, Dr. Goodall is encouraging people all over the world to do their part to make this planet a better place to live.

Ms. Al Qassimi also infused the spirit of hope in us by telling us an impressive and inspiring story of a man who tried his best to save starfishes after a storm at the vast beach. When his friend asked him why he was doing this as he alone cannot save all those starfishes. The man smiled, threw the other starfish in the ocean and said “It made a difference to this one!’’ This story sparked hope in all of us and reinforced the idea that even if one person decides to contribute to the environment, it will certainly have an impact. We all felt inspired and found a new desire to make our school and community sustainable. Ms. Al Qassimi also answered various questions raised by Verte members.

We are really very thankful to Ms. Mariam Al Qassimi for her inspiring words and will look forward to her next visit to our school.


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