Our friends at Roots & Shoots UK have some brilliant projects happening at the moment, so we thought we’d share some of the updates the different groups have posted so you can find out what they’re doing, and maybe even get some ideas yourself!
Volunteering by the University of Salford’s Wildlife Society
The university’s wildlife society is centred on a shared love and appreciation of nature, with the strong desire to experience and learn as much from it as possible. On trips to reserves around the UK, in between the passerines, deer, seals, raptors and more, we enthral in the wonder of wildlife. In doing so, we also appreciate the importance of giving back to the environment that we enjoy so much. We are all aware of the plight of nature and the battles it constantly faces. Our local wildlife is no exception and we all feel a direct connection to it. By volunteering, this wonderful nature can be maintained so that the wildlife can thrive and flourish, and for the human enjoyment of it to continue. Therefore, a vital part of our society is participating in volunteering events. With the wildlife society bigger than ever before, it’s already been a successful endeavour this year, with plenty more plans for 2017. We became helping hands for the Woodland Trust, the Bolton Conservation Volunteers (BCV) and the Ascension Paradise Garden and Community Space in Salford. It gave us the fantastic opportunity to join hard-working teams, learn from them and make a positive difference to wildlife whilst simultaneously having fun.
The Penny Appeal for Thirst Relief
The children at Mayflower Primary school decided to raise money for Thirst Relief, which is a charity which provides wells for communities in India, Nepal, Pakistan and other countries. These wells provide the community with fresh, safe drinking water. The children all collected change from their family and friends at home in specially decorated bottles, and managed to raise an amazing £1413.72! That’s enough for 4 wells! What an incredible achievement.
Ice play with a special message
At Milford Pre-School Plus, playing with lumps of ice was the perfect way to learn about the impact climate change and global warming can have on the animals that live in the Arctic and Antarctic, and how melting ice can lead to rising sea levels.