Urban Resource: My Local Area Over Time

What was your local area like 20, 30 or 50 years ago? What buildings or facilities where there? How did people get around? The best people to ask are those who were alive at the time! This is a great activity to get young people and children to interact with local older people.

More about this Resource

This activity will encourage students to investigate their local area further by asking local older people who have lived in the area for some time about how the local environment has changed over the years.

In this activity you and your students will:

  • Write a questionnaire.
  • Write to, call or visit local older people.
  • Produce a ‘local area over time’ map.


To develop contacts and build relationships with local older people and to discover what your local area used to be like and how it has changed through a person’s lifetime.

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We welcome ideas on how to improve our resources. If you have tried using this resource and have some thoughts on how to improve it please follow the instructions given in the document.

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