On the 3rd April 2021 we celebrate Dr. Jane Goodall’s 87th birthday!
She is an incredible, inspirational woman who has inspired and motivated millions of people around the globe to live in greater harmony with nature and to take action on behalf of the planet we share.
On this special occasion, we recognise the unique legacy of Dr. Goodall’s scientific breakthroughs and courageous leadership which have led to positive changes in policies and attitudes around the world, benefitting animals, people and the global environment.
Dr. Goodall invites us all to live sustainably, with compassion and to look with hope for a brighter, greener future. One of the most resilient and impressive forces on Earth is contained within the seeds of a plant; they are powerful enough to break through walls, to crumble concrete, to fight their way towards the light and find a way to grow, thrive and survive.
Green spaces are essentially in our efforts to protect global biodiversity, if we want to combat the climate crisis, we need to protect our precious green spaces, restore ones we have lost and establish new ones.

Image by Morten Bjarnhof
And we need your help!
To celebrate Dr. Jane Goodall’s 87th birthday, help us grow our global movement of people across the planet who are dedicated to making the planet we all share a better place for everyone! Spread the word, encourages others to join, and cultivate green spaces by planting trees, wildflowers, plants, and helping to green our beautiful world!
A special birthday greeting!
From Cèline Cousteau, the famous filmmaker and environmentalist, to the singer-songwriter Ellie Goulding, many of Dr. Jane Goodall’s friends and supporters have joined to record this beautiful birthday message to her. Enjoy!
Help celebrate Dr. Jane Goodall’s Birthday!
First up, don’t forget to wish her a Happy Birthday on social media using the #GrowingTogether, #JaneGoodallsRootsnShoots, #HappyBirthdayDrJaneGoodall and #Janes87thBirthday hashtags
Secondly, she’d LOVE you to get involved in our Roots & Shoots #GrowingTogether campaign! You can read about the campaign and what you can do to get involved in our special explainer article. There are loads of options and ideas for groups and school classes as well as individuals and families!