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Sustainability in SCS Foundation Stage

Sustainability in SCS Foundation Stage

FS2 has covered sustainability in a range of ways this term but all stating the same message of looking after the world we live in. 

Some of our projects have been linked to protecting wildlife in the form of a bird project after one class saw a bird nest growing outside of their classroom and were interested in it. They made the bird feeders out of plastic bottles, egg cartons and cardboard, clipboards out of pieces of waste cardboard and binoculars out of toilet rolls. They hung their recycled bird feeders outside of their classroom in the trees and learned safe ways to observe birds in their natural environment

In one foundation class, the children have been learning about plant growth. They planted pumpkin, bean and sunflower seeds. In doing so, they were responsible for watering and taking care of the plants. They used see, think and wonder to observe the plants’ growth and learned how to take care of plants giving them plenty of water and sunlight.

Our save the ocean projects had the children reflecting on their impact on the ocean and beaches. There were lots of discussions about the rubbish and pollution which hurt animals and make our beaches unsafe for us to use. The children had lots of great ideas of how they can help to improve the beaches and oceans including, adding paper and plastic recycling bins to the classrooms. They have also been reading tons of books on saving our planet. They learned how to be fantastic role models to other students and they have also been discussing how their every action can effect the earth.


Another class looked at recycling with a focus on reduce, reuse and recycle. Children being active and supporting the clean up and making new exciting things in the junk modelling area to ensure that they were not wasting anything. The children have been engaged with keeping our school and local community clean which is a good first step to being aware of our world and how to look after it.  

We are so proud of the fantastic learning taking place in our foundation stage here at SCS.


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2041 ClimateForce Green Hope NYU Abu Dhabi - Community Outreach DP World Compassion in World Farming Windsor Castle: College of St George UAE Ministry of Education International Fund for Animal Welfare