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SCS Eco Leaders

‘The SCS Eco Team does not want to protect the environment, we aim to create a world where the environment does not need protecting, to stop the threats of Climate Change before they consume our time, money, and our world. The Eco Team hopes to raise Awareness, teach Acceptance, and start the Action within our school community as we remember every step of the way that each little action counts and will make the difference.” Rayan, Year 8

The  SCS Secondary Eco Team, have come up with many innovative and creative ways of encouraging teachers and students across the school to contribute to saving our planet. They have run competitions, set some fun classwork and even presented ideas in assemblies. Last year, the SCS Eco Team successfully held various competitions that engaged students while using the learning skills that we teach at SCS. Some examples of these activities were the Christmas tree accessory competition and the dress-down fashion competition. These fun initiatives have taught our students many life skills such as teamwork and how to think environmentally towards things that would otherwise be completely ignored.

To share their innovative ideas, the secondary Eco Team created their own website:

This website has been updated during their weekly meetings and has helped the students turn their ideas into reality. To make the school as environmentally friendly as possible, the school has begun by reducing the amount of paper used, they are also minimising their use of plastic lamination for classroom displays and they have also introducing the Safa Garden to create a place for people to sit, relax and enjoy the environment with their classes. This initiative has helped our students learn in a calm, suitable learning environment where they could interact with the green life!

Last year, the secondary Eco Team also organised a desert clean up trip in collaboration with Simply Bottles. With the help of other students and local law enforcers, the students removed over 18 large, biodegradable bags of plastic and rubbish.


We are so proud of our Eco Leaders here in SCS and cannot wait for more exciting initiatives in the coming year!

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2041 ClimateForce Green Hope NYU Abu Dhabi - Community Outreach DP World Compassion in World Farming Windsor Castle: College of St George UAE Ministry of Education International Fund for Animal Welfare