“Environment provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, not every man’s greed” – Mahatma Gandhi
To create an awareness about conserving the environment, Verte organized several programmes and activities on 5th June, 2017.
The celebration started with a speech from Sreegauri Sreekanth of class 8C. She explained how environmental pollution is causing several health issues such as heart diseases, strokes, asthma, wheezing, respiratory infections, etc. After her opening speech, it was time to celebrate the day full of activities.
The first graders amazed everyone in their elegant costumes as they presented the fancy dress. They dressed up as trees, mermaids, e- waste, etc. and educated the students on saving the environment. These little Josephites truly created wonders with their skills of creativity and innovation.
Everyone’s mouth fell open as they were completely mesmerized by the performance of the 2nd graders. The audience was deeply touched as the tiny tots recited the poem “The earth is my home”. Through this poem they showcased the importance of the environment and how we can try our best and conserve it.
We all are aware about the scarcity of water and how it is affecting almost every continent on earth. Due to the increase in population, the overuse and misuse of water has also increased. To give us more information on water scarcity, water conservation and methods of conserving water, Hazel Monteiro of class 3B gave a PowerPoint presentation.
Next performance was a group song presented by the students of grade 4. The audience was spellbound as their voices sprang across the hall. The joy and energy in their voices proved they wanted to do something favourable for the environment. Through their song “We’re in it together”, they expressed the care and concern which we students should adopt towards the environment.
Nowadays as humans misuse the environment, its resources are getting polluted. Humans are taking undue advantage of the environment without realizing that these resources will also be needed in the future. This was explained to the students through a sho rt film presented by the Verte. This film educated and helped student to understand how important the environment is and why we need to conserve it.
The land, the water and the air have all served us in their own way. So it is also our duty to preserve these resources which make life on earth possible. To educate the students regarding these precious resources, a Hindi group song was presented by the boys of grade 6. They showcased their love and responsibility towards the environment through their song which totally thrilled the audience and inspired them to use the environmental re sources carefully.
Energy is needed by all of us in different ways to do our daily activities. But we must remember that this energy must not be depleted and should also be conserved. This was explained in detail through a PowerPoint presentation by Maryam Alia Muhammed Sunni. We are really thankful to Maryam for educating the students on how to save energy in school and home.
Conservation of the environment seems to be a very serious issue and it surely is. But it can be presented in an interesting way. To make the event more enthralling, a Trashion Show was presented by the Verte members of class 8C. The dresses were prepared by the students themselves by using waste materials, keeping in mind the environmental sustainability. These girls not only exhibited their fantastic fashion sense but at the same time educated the students on reusing waste.
The students very enthusiastically participated in the quiz conducted by the Verte. These important facts also enlightened the young minds as they put on their thinking caps and tried to answer every question.
We must work with our actions and not with our words. So the Verte members of class 8 presented a Mime demonstrating the harms caused due to radiations. Nowadays the usage of modern gadgets is at its peak and these gadgets are major sources of radiations which are harmful for the humans. This was portrayed by the 8th graders who left a huge impact on the students with only theirs actions.
The school was also proud to announce that the French department of the school had avoided the usage of plastics for the last three years. This is one of the significant step taken by our school to save mother earth. Overuse and burning of plastics may leave a very harmful impact on our environment. This only proves how much the teachers and students of our school care for the benefit of the environment.
Verte announced a summer project and also launched few campaign. The programme was concluded by the Verte anthem sung by the Verte members. As the musical notes echoed across the hall, they inspired the students to help the environment and conserve its resources.
It was a wonderful experience for me to witness such marvelous performances and initiatives, which have truly inspired me to try my best to conserve our environment. The program would not have been such a success without the continuous efforts of the sisters, teachers and Verte members who encouraged the students to save the environment.
Saanvi Kiran Rai 8 C