Are you ready to celebrate Peace Day 2023? Here are some suggestions on how you can be involved…

Every year on the 21st September, Roots & Shoots groups from around the world celebrate Peace Day and honour the UN International Day of Peace.

Dr. Jane has been a UN Messenger of Peace since 2002 and she inspires us all to live in harmony with nature and each other. Each Roots & Shoots project is a step towards a future in which humans can live in peace in an environmentally sustainable way—a step towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Here is Dr Jane’s message for International Day of Peace 2023

2022 Theme: End Racism. Build Peace

We invite you to join us in your celebrations. Here are a few ideas to get you started:


  • Share ideas – what is Peace? How can you contribute to a world of compassion and empathy?

  • Host a Peace Day Parade. Make a Giant Peace Dove (get the whole class/ school involved) and Small Peace Day Doves by upcycling the materials needed; then colour each small dove in a different skin colour and fly them together; write Peace in different languages and talk about all the good each of us can bring to this world; Plant a tree in honour of Peace Day.

  • Write a pledge on your dove – what can you do to bring Peace and harmony?

  • And of course, share your pledges and photos with us! We will create a gallery and inspire even more people! E-mail Jasmina Georgovska at



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