Celebrating our incredible founder – Dr Jane Goodall!

On the 3rd of April 2023 Dr. Jane Goodall will be celebrating her 89th birthday!

She is an incredible, inspirational woman who has inspired and motivated millions of people around the globe to live in greater harmony with nature and to take positive action on behalf of the planet we all share.

Image by Vincent Calmel

On this special day, we celebrate the unique legacy of Dr. Goodall’s scientific breakthroughs which have led to significant and lasting conservation projects worldwide, benefitting animals, the human community and the environment.

Dr. Goodall has always encouraged us to make a difference very day, no matter how small; to live sustainably, with compassion and to have hope for the future.

Image by Morten Bjarnhof


To mark this special day, spread the word, encourage others to join, dedicate a project or an activity to Dr Jane and all the wonderful work she has done to protect this planet and all its inhabitants.

To help the environment – cultivate green spaces by planting trees and plants, recycle.

Help animals by rescuing, caring or fundraising for wild and domestic animals.

Support human communities by helping those less fortunate and by choosing kindness and compassion over apathy.

Don’t forget to share your project ideas with us, e-mail Jasmina Georgovska at jasmina@janegoodall.org.uk

On Monday 3rd April, don’t forget to wish Dr Jane a Happy Birthday on social media using the #JaneGoodall89 #HappyBirthdayJaneGoodall #Hope hashtags

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Facebook – @RootsnShoots.ae 

Twitter – @JaneGoodallUAE

Instagram – @janegoodalluk

Let’s make Dr Jane’s birthday special and fill the day with hope and inspiration!

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