We are back! Roots & Shoots Awards 2023 – get posting!

To say that we missed our in-person events will be a huge understatement!

Especially our Roots & Shoots Annual Awards – the energy, the inspiration, the hope that you feel in the room – no online platform can match that.

We are delighted and so excited that the Roots & Shoots 2023 Awards, in-person, are in the planning stages already. To be held last week in January, 2023. Dr Jane and the team look forward to seeing you in Dubai.

How can you be part of the Awards 2023?

Work hard on your projects to benefit animals, the environment and your community, and post them all on the Roots & Shoots website. Each entry gets you closer to enjoy a day of celebrating all the positive difference you have made and continue making to the Planet and its inhabitants!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Jasmina Georgovska jasmina@janegoodall.org.uk

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