Tara Golshan gives a virtual talk at Cranleigh, Abu Dhabi

Cranleigh Abu Dhabi is an active and resourceful Roots & Shoots school. They encourage their pupils to #bethechange and make a positive impact for the community and the environment.

In September, Years 4-8 live streamed a talk by our ED, Tara Golshan. The talk encouraged pupils to continue their amazing Roots & Shoots projects, many that were started and developed during the Pandemic, and use the opportunity of our current circumstances to discuss and share their thoughts and discoveries with their families at home.

Our ED said: “It was such an uplifting experience for me, to undertake a talk to over 600 eager R&S members at Cranleigh, dedicated to delivering our projects that support our Planet and humanity, despite the challenges that the Pandemic has created.  This has only served to bring out their resourcefulness and determination”.

With 400 questions following the talk, our ED has promised to return for a separate Q&A session!

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