Roseacres Primary School, UK held a bake sale on the 12thMarch to raise money for adopting chimpanzees and planting trees in Burundi. After learning about Dr Jane Goodall and the work she does for chimpanzees, the children in Year 3 – 5 decided that they wanted to raise money for them and chose to organise a bake sale. The children created posters and baked for the after-school bake sale. Overall, we raised over £300! Some of the money went towards adopting chimpanzees: the reception classes adopted Anzac, Years 1 and 2 adopted Falero whilst Years 3 and 4/5 adopted Kudia. The classes were introduced to their chimps in an assembly and were very excited about them.
The rest of the money was used to support Dr. Jane Goodall’s Burundi tree planting project in East Africa, run by David Ninteretse. We chose this project to donate money to as we wanted to help out communities around the world. The locals in Burundi, including the children, will be planting trees where some will be named after ‘Roseacres Primary School’. By rebuilding the civil war torn ecosystem, the local community is inviting animals and nature back to the forests, and in return, they get fruits for the community.
On the 14th March, three children from our school (Isla, Lainey and Ameer) attended the Roots & Shoots awards where we put up a stand sharing what we’d done for the environment and collected our award for becoming a Roots & Shoots school. The children loved the event and Isla claimed it was ‘the best day of her life!’ They were very excited to share the money we raised in the bake sale and also the other projects that we have throughout the school. Overall, it was a fantastic day and a brilliant event to be a part of!
By Natasha Whates, Roots & Shoots Teacher
A note from Roots & Shoots: 2,000 trees were planted thanks to the Roseacres Primary School’s donation! Thank you so much!
If you would like to get involved in such fundraising activities, whether it is adopting a chimp, donating to the on-going work of the programme (can we put our donation page in here)for the Jane Goodall Institute or supporting an International project, please get in touch.