Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots Newsletter Winter 2016

Dear Roots & Shoots Members,

It has been an interesting year at our UAE headquarters. With over 60 schools now involved in the programme across the Emirates, I feel we are making great progress.

But there’s a question that keeps resurfacing in my many visits to schools when I am speaking to our young members. It is a question that has come up often in the 10 years I have worked for Dr Jane, and indeed a question she is also faced with.

How can we still have hope for the planet, given all the challenges we face?

The simple answer is, that we do.

The reason – because of all of our young Roots & Shoots members who are doing amazing work, not just in the UAE but across the globe, to protect our planet and make our world a place that we can all be proud to live in.

Read on.

Tara's Signature Doc JPEG

Tara Golshan
Executive Director, Education

You can download the full Winter 2016 newsletter by clicking here

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