Let’s Connect – Health & Mind club marks Children’s Mental Health Week

The Health and Mind club members hosted “Let’s Connect” on February 8,2023 to mark Children’s Mental Health Week.

The theme, Let’s Connect, is focused on creating meaningful connections. People thrive in communities, and this connection is vital for our wellbeing. Our mental health and sense of wellbeing improves when we have strong connections with family, friends, and other individuals.

Music is a universal language that brings people together, creating a sense of community and connection regardless of background or culture. A musical performance by Grade 9 boys encouraged everyone in the audience to initiate conversations and meaningfully connect with each other.

Grade 9 girls organized wellbeing bingo, and everyone who participated worked individually or in teams. It was a wonderful chance to interact and make new connections. The winners received brownies and handmade affirmative cards.

This Children’s Mental Health Week let us all come together and help students focus on making meaningful connections with others to support their mental wellbeing. We hope our students will connect with others in a healthy, rewarding, and meaningful ways.

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