“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.” -Kathy Calvin

At Delhi Private School Sharjah, we endeavour to inspire emotional and educational growth of students to be morally and socially respectful contributors to global society. To inculcate the practice of becoming a cheerful giver on their own, the school keeps hosting various charities keeping the agenda of contributing high.

Echoing this sentiment, and to bring happiness to other kids, our tiny tots from Kg1 to Grade 2 hosted a Toys donation drive from 10th to 20th October at Delhi Private School, Sharjah primary campus. The donated toys will go towards The Sparkle Foundation UK, Africa, and UAE.

It was heart-warming to see, children at such tender age, learning to be compassionate and generous towards those who are less fortunate. They understand how important it is to care about others and do their best to help where they can. Each toy makes a huge difference and most importantly, brings joy to a child.We are very proud of our little toy donors who made this possible! We couldn’t accomplish any of this without their contribution.

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