The Cranleigh Charity Committee is run by Sixth Form students with the aimof providing an opportunity to raise funds for charity. A focus this year wasour support sta who play such an important role in the smooth running of theschool. Their contribution to campus life is huge. It is thanks to them that we all enjoy a safe, clean and secure environment every day. Throughout the year, theCharity Committee, together with sta and pupils, rolled out various initiatives.
Support sat profiles: Members of the Charity Committee interviewed Cran-leigh’s support sta and gained a greaterunderstanding of where they’ve come from, what they enjoy about being part of our community and what challenges they face by being away from their home country.
Kindness Day and International Day: As part of the activities surrounding Kind- ness Day, the Charity Committee assisted events in the Senior School raising awareness of the importance of treating all members of our society with respect. A stall, celebrating the home countries ofour support sta was arranged on Inter- national Day when we also orchestrateda eld clean-up to support them.
Cricket tournament: This was Cran- leigh Charity Committee’s greatest achievement this year. We worked in cooperation with NYU Abu Dhabi to host a cricket tournament which catered forthe support sta of Cranleigh and those of NYU Abu Dhabi. It was a brilliant day. Year 3 students provided a lemonade stand and Slices kindly sponsored 100 meals for everyone involved.
Iftar and vouchers: Cranleigh Charity Committee worked in conjunction with Slices to provide a take home Iftar for allsupport sta . Each sta member alsoreceived a Lulu’s voucher as a small token of gratitude for all the hard work that they do throughout the year.
Food for All Campaign: Slices once again supported the Charity Committee by organising left-over food to be packed and distributed amongst our supportsta on a daily basis. This Food for AllCampaign also has the long term goal of making Cranleigh a zero waste campus.
Red Crescent Award: The CranleighCharity Committee’s e orts throughoutthe year were recognised by the Red Crescent with an award for their human- itarian approach to charity.