Hot popping popcorn

While tidying up one of the beds at the end of term, K2B was surprised to find a well-formed but dry kernel of glass gem corn that had hidden itself in the dry leaves of the stalk.

After picking the kernel and dissecting the stalk, one inquisitive student wondered whether the dried corn would turn into popcorn. So we tried!

The corn was removed from the kernel. A little oil was heated in a saucepan and the corn was added. Soon the corn started popping!

Not each piece popped, but there was enough to see that popcorn could form from K2B’s home-grown corn. It was so exciting!

Maybe we waited a little too long and burnt some of the corn, and we’re probably not ready to start a popcorn business just yet, but it was so rewarding to see what can be done with things we grow ourselves.



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