Junk craft journaling – by Ilvy & Elise

Junk craft journaling is when you recycle things out of junk and use them to make a journal.

Why is junk craft journaling important?

Junk craft journaling is important because we are recycling and reusing junk that is around the planet going to waste.

How can we do junk craft journaling?

Materials needed: watery glue, paper, napkins, cardboard, fabric, decorations

Step 1.

First you get a cereal box and cut it, so it looks like a book. The cereal box is your cover for the journal and makes it look nice.

Step 2.

Then you get white fabric and put glue that has water in it and soak the fabric on both sides. You will cover the cereal box with the white fabric so that later you can decorate it.

Step 3.

Get a pile of paper that fits inside the cover. These are the pages that will go inside your book.

Step 4.

After that, you are going to get your soaked fabric and stick any design of tissue paper on it and put the watery glue on top and let it dry for 2 hours.

Step 5.

Then stick your dry fabric with the napkin design on the cover of your book and add your decorations. You can use anything like stickers, drawings, glitter, nature (leaves, tree branches, flowers etc.) and more to design your cover.

Step 6.

You are done.

What can we use it for?

You can use your junk craft journal as a book to record your memories. You can also use it as your diary, sketch book, or you can use it as a schoolbook.

Why is it important for children to know about this?

Children should know about junk craft journaling because they can learn a new skill and do something with things that would otherwise be waste. Ilvy’s mum, Sonja, came to our class and taught us how to do junk craft journaling. We learned about it in our unit of inquiry because we were learning about recycling and reusing junk.


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