Building our own soil factory!

What is a soil factory?

A soil factory is where you create nutrient-rich soil that’s perfect for gardening and potting plants. It’s like store-bought compost, but you have complete control over what goes into it!

How will a soil factory help in my garden?

Using a soil factory can be incredibly helpful for your garden. You can revitalize old soil with depleted nutrients, avoiding the need to throw away valuable soil and spend extra money. You save food waste from landfill and avoid plastic waste (from buying new soil) in this process, and you create healthy soil which is the key to healthy plants. Plus, it’s an easy and low-maintenance way to produce soil for your garden (or balcony) all year round!

How did K1A make a soil factory?

The K1 learners are committed to their part to save the planet! With excitement in their eyes, they eagerly weighed their filled bokashi buckets, curious to see just how much waste they had diverted from the landfill and added to Clarion’s Bokashi meter.

After crunching the numbers, it was time to get their hands dirty. With shovels in hand, they dug up 1/3 of the old soil in an unused planter box and added the magical Bokashi mix. With glee, they mixed it all up and topped it off with the remaining soil, covering it up for the weeks to come.

But what’s so magical about this process, you ask? Well, the students see first-hand how the carbon from the food scraps doesn’t get released into the atmosphere, which means that more of the goodness from their food scraps is making its way into the soil. It’s a win-win situation for both their garden and the environment!

These kids are true environmental superheroes, saving the world one bucket of Bokashi at a time!

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