Mission Updates

Y2 STEM- Creating with sustainability

In STEM, the Y2s learnt how plant fibres are used to make paper. They visited different stations to sort recycled …

World Wildlife Day-Virtual Trip to Wildlife Sanctuary

In celebration of World Wildlife Day, Y2s went on a virtual trip to a wildlife sanctuary to observe animals in …

Earth Day Skit & Assembly

Morning assemblies at Pristine Secondary are always highly enriching, and the Earth Day special assembly was another such enriching experience. …

Commemoration of World Water Day themed ”Water for Peace”

This World Water Day, Yr 7 students were involved in various activities like creating a poem, presenting and researching reports, …

Yr 10 students visit to Emirates Hydroponics Farm

In March 2024, our Year 10 students embarked on an enlightening trip to the Emirates Hydroponics Farm. The visit provided …


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