Inspired by Robert Swan

To match the efforts of Robert Swan’s Climate Force Challenge in Antarctica, Roots & Shoots is promoting a WEEK OF WALKING from Monday, December 4 – December 7.

Robert Swan and his team, including his son, are walking 600 miles from a base camp to the South Pole. Their aim is to draw attention to the impact of climate change and reduce overall carbon emissions by 326 million tonnes by 2025. You can follow his journey on Twitter.

Our challenge to ACS students is to walk 600 miles by walking to school and/or measuring how much walking one does and reporting that back to us.

Roots & Shoots will be at the gates every day next week to mark who has walked, biked, skateboarded to school. We will also send out a survey to learn more from those who might not live close enough to walk.

Students made a presentation in classrooms on Monday, November 27.

Thank you for your support from the Roots & Shoots Team (47 elementary students who heard Robert Swan speak)

Support walking to avoid driving.
Have a conversation (regardless of deaf ears) about the link of action and carbon reduction. Little efforts matter.
Take a look at what Robert Swan is doing.
Track any walking that you do during the week to help us reach the 600 mile match.
Reply to the R&S survey that the students will send after this week.

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