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The British School, Al Kubairat update

BSAK Eco Committee

Since last year we:

  • Created a whole school Eco Committee.
  • Appointed Eco Ambassadors to drive change and share our successes with their year groups and the wider BSAK/UAE community. Eco Ambassadors are students in years 3-13 and adult representatives in Nursery-year 2.
  • Created a twitter account to share all the great stuff we do: @BSAKeco
  • Completed an Environmental Review of the school.
  • Created an Action Plan and Budget.
  • Agreed a whole school plan which will focus on Marine Life, School Grounds and Waste with a view to achieving our Eco Schools Bronze Award by the end of the academic year.
  • Completed Nurdle Hunts on Saadiyat Beach with NYUAD and Park Hyatt. On one visit over 23000 nurdles collected in 45 minutes.
  • Ran a stall at the International Fete and educated our BSAK community by sharing information about what we’ve found out so far about our environment.
  • Met with the architects designing the new primary dining hall to discuss how the build can be eco-friendly. It has since been built.Worked with the Global Leaders to successfully agree that there will be a water filtration unit in the new primary dining hall meaning no plastic water barrels.
  • Took part in the Emirates Environmental Group initiative to collect and recycle aluminum drinks cans, glass bottles, PET 1 and 2 plastic and paper/card.
  • Removed all single use plastic cups from the school premises in October 2018.
  • Secondary Eco Ambassadors met with manager of Food Nation to discuss the use of excessive packaging – bamboo cutlery is now used instead of plastic and all packaging is reduced plastic with a view to improving this further.
  • Removal of all plastic cutlery in secondary staff room and replaced with metal cutlery.
  • Led a primary Eco House competition. This involved parents, students and staff from our community tweeting their eco-friendly suggestions.
  • Removed one time use plastic cups and are encouraging the use of reusable water bottles around the community.
  • Eco Ambassadors delivered an assembly to years 7-13 explaining the issues with single-use plastic and encouraging everyone to carry a water bottle.
  • Notice board created in primary sharing all our wonderful achievements with our community.
  • Took part in the EEG initiative to collect aluminium cans. Pledged to collect a minimum amount of glass, paper, plastic and aluminium for EEG initiative.
  • Global Leaders assembly regarding Earth Hour. Took part in Earth Hour across the school.
  • 90 bags of clothes recycled for the Red Cross to distribute to Syrian refugees.
  • Completed the Uselessutensils campaign with AZRAQ. Azraq presentation – January 2020.
  • Zero Waste talk – 8.10.19. Delivered to Eco Ambassadors across primary and secondary.
  • Flip The Switch campaign to reduce electricity consumption.
  • Presentation by Sarah from DGrade Dubai on Simply Bottles recycling campaign.
  • Initiative adopted in primary (Nov 2019) with a view to secondary starting in January 2020.
  • 2019-2020 focus on sustainability and reducing consumption – Flip the Switch and Simply Bottles recycling campaign.
  • Eco Trip to plant native trees on Saadiyat Golf Course – 5.12.19.
  • Eco Week in January 2020.
  • Powerpoints sent out to tutor groups for all students to create an Eco-Resolution in January.
  • Year 5 pupils have been recycling batteries.
  • Maths department have introduced annual lessons to teach KS3 pupils how to plot graphs using data from our annual carbon dioxide emissions, to show the magnitude of this problem.
  • Busy Bees Bus visited us. Pupils were able to recognise the importance of conservation of animals, and specifically, how to protect bee’s habitats.
  • Planning to have a plastic free national day (Dec 2019), encouraging students to bring in their own plates and utensils as an alternative to one time use plastics.
  • Multiple secondary ambassadors have designed posters to raise awareness about environmental issues.
  • Year 9 English lessons have made the year group think about what an effective Eco-Code for the school would be. They then split into groups and each created one.
  • Campaign about reducing BSAK’s paper consumption. We used 61,471 less pieces of paper this September compared to last year.
  • Encouraged a local restaurant to replace their plastic ice cream spoons with bamboo ones.

Went to and met Jane Goodall as part of the annual Roots & Shoots Awards 2019.

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2041 ClimateForce Green Hope NYU Abu Dhabi - Community Outreach DP World Compassion in World Farming Windsor Castle: College of St George UAE Ministry of Education International Fund for Animal Welfare