Sharing the Best Practice With Sun Rise Private English School
The Bhavan’s Green Team planted around 50 Ghaf trees in the month of November. As a part of sharing good practices, the green team of Sunrise Private English School (SPES) was invited to PIES for a garden walk.
On 6th December 2018, a group of 2 teachers and 6 students from SPES visited the school at 11.30 A.M. The land audit and Eco club student members of PIES whole heartedly welcomed them and took them on a garden tour, explaining the significance of each plant. The students, with the help of our gardener Santosh, harvested methi and coriander and also gave a bunch to our guest teachers as a token of love. They were also gifted with some Ghaf saplings and also 12 packets of vegetable seeds.
Air Audit Team members of PIES shared their innovative ideas on achieving sustainability on the same day. The students presented their two projects- Organic Cutlery and Organic Bio-Plastic with the objective to spread an awareness on the harmful effects of plastic and to reduce the use of plastic.
The Green team of SPES expressed great excitement and appreciation on visiting the school garden and the students’ unique approach to a pollution free earth.
Reported by:
- Ms. Firdaus- Air Audit
- Ms. Sruthi – Land audit