Each year we have 3-5 bus raids at ACS. Students pack a small treat for workers and deliver these as workers are boarding busses to go home. It is a simple act of kindness to show respect and thank those who work so hard.
Laden with “treat bags” Roots and Shoots headed out to the Arabtec construction site and distributed a nice snack of a schwarma, apple, candy and water to 450 workers. This is the culminating event after six weeks of organizing popcorn sales, collection of paper bags and candy, ordering water and shawarma. Prior to leaving they need to pack the bags and be sure every bag has the same quality of items. As one student commented during distribution, “400 is alot.” The larger impact is the opportunity to thank these workers for their long hours and tougher living situation. They took as many pictures of us as we took of them! A special thank you to the parent support for this endeavor.