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Bhavans Natura – Saturday Fete

“Save the Earth, weave a better Community” was the tag line of the ‘Eco Fete’- an exhibition cum awareness campaign held by the Eco Club ‘Bhavans Natura’ of Private International English School, Abu Dhabi on 19th October within the school premises. The inauguration of the Fete was carried out by the Principal, Mrs. Girija Baiju, jointly with a tiny tot to spread the message “Save Mother Earth for our Future Generations”.  

Bhavan’s Natura is a club comprising of students, parents and teachers, who join hands to ‘heal the world and make it a better place. The club is headed by Mrs. Usha Kumari, teacher of the Social Science Department.  

Mrs. Usha Kumari, who was also the coordinator of the event, said “Saturday Fete is an attempt to change consumption style in the society. A school is the best place to start. Aim of the fete is to increase the outreach of the products, along with developing the marketing and entrepreneurial skills among students”. “By switching to eco-friendly products, we can save our Earth” she added.  

The fete witnessed students manning various stalls. The products on display were Eco-friendly, recycled and upcycled hand-made items that were good for the environment and safe for the consumers. There was a plethora of green products such as Eco friendly, chlorine free, wheat straw based paper, pens and pencils made of paper, etc.  

Another unique product was the organic manure, which were generated out of food waste in the ‘Smart Cara’ machines, decomposing machines that were installed within the school canteen. Gnanasree (Grade 7) and Gargi (Grade 7) ensured that they contributed their bit by packing and selling the manure for a reasonable price. The machine was also on display at the fete.  

Vivek Menon (Grade 9) exhibited edible cutlery, named Incr-Edible cutlery’, spoons one can eat up after one eats with it. It promoted the idea of ‘Saving the World by eating’, emphasizing on the importance of banning single use plastic cutlery. “These spoons are an edible, credible and incredible alternative to save the earth”, he said. 

Malavika Rajeev (Grade 9) proved that going eco-friendly was not just minimalistic and boring, as beautiful hand-made décor that she made using bottles and cardboard was for sale. The attractive curio pieces were made out of things, which one would otherwise dump into their trash, without a second thought. 

Bharanitha (Grade 6) and Smirithi (Grade 9) demonstrated that one could wear their attitude by accessorizing with ‘Eco Jewellery’ made from natural products. These items surely unleashed the creative talent of the children, giving an artistic twist to the overall fete. 

Appreciations and positive responses poured in from the attendees of the Fete. Mr. Ms. Satyanath parent of Adithya Sathyanath grade 10, commented that “attending a lot of seminars doesn’t stay with you, but buying something tangible and taking it home becomes a constant reminder to do your bit to save mother earth. Natura Fete helped change the consumption style in children, which will go a long way to preserve the environment”. Dr. Rajeev Pillai, parent of Malavika Rajeev Grade 9 appreciated the concept of the fete which in his words “helped to change the consumer behavior thereby helping the community understand the importance of recycling and being environment friendly”. “This also encourages interaction with their peers, parents and teachers” Dr. Pillai said.  

The students were excited to be a part of the fete and were unanimous in declaring that the fete was so much fun and it gave them an experience to market the products, sell them, collect money and ensure stock control.  It’s been a whole new experience,” they echoed.   

“The initiative aimed at changing the consumption style of the society by encouraging children and parents to switch to reusable and ecofriendly products” commented Ayushi Ramakrishanan student (Grade 8).  

Pushpa Joyce the teacher of Science Department, and Anila Abhilash, Assistant Librarian, actively participated by helping the students collect money and to ensure that the fete was conducted in a friendly, yet organized manner.  

The best part was that the parents had no trouble in purchasing and carrying these products, thanks to the reusable jute bags and cloth bags which were on sale as well. The fete was possible due to the active participation of student volunteers, teachers and parents who were passionate in contributing their bit towards the society. 

Mr. Suresh Balakrishnan, Vice Principal of Bhavan’s Abu Dhabi said Bhavan’s Natura spreads the message to be with nature 

The fete not only helped the students contribute their bit to Mother Earth, but also helped the students to develop their entrepreneurial skills and instilled a sense of financial responsibility in them. As the event was held during the School Open-house, a good community outreach was ensured 

Mr.Sooraj Ramachandran, Vice Chairman of Bhavans Middle East said “the program aimed at building the entrepreneurial skills of children, and at the same time, helped them become socially aware. A part of money collected goes for charity initiatives taken up by the school”, which added more value to the fete.  

Over all the fete was a grand success, which was evident from the feedback board placed at the venue. The board was inundated with positive and encouraging messages, which enhanced the enthusiasm and fervor of the Bhavans Natura Team to keep the ‘green drive’ going.  

Our abuse and misuse of resources has put the planet in a difficult predicament, and we humans are the only ones who can stop this detriment. In order to conserve the beauty, resources, and inhabitability of the planet, it is important that our everyday decisions positively affect the planet. While it is difficult in today’s world to make a huge difference as just one single person, the use of eco-friendly products is a great way to participate in the conservation of our planet and the ecosystem.  

“Be the change you wish to see in the world…” – Mahatma Gandhi. 

Reported by Ms. Usha Kumari-Coordinator SSI & Eco Club 

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