The Arab Environment Day celebration on 14th October 2022.
The Principal’s message and the official launch of ‘Pile It Up’ single-use plastic water bottle collection under “Mission 2 Zero”, kicked off the celebration. The departments of Arabic, Computer Science, Hindi, Physical Education, and Social Science officially announced the UN SDG goals and the link to curriculum. The action plan for achieving SDGs 1, 3, 12, 13, and 16 was unveiled by the Eco Champs from various Departments.
The rally conducted to support the Mission to Zero for a plastic-free Abu Dhabi challenge initiated by the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency was the spotlight of the celebration. The rally, organized by Ms. Javneet (dept. of Social Sc.) and Ms. Gauri Mishra (HoD English Primary), featured educators from various departments as well as students from cycles 1 and 2. The rally was directed by the Principal, Mr. Suresh V. Balakrishan, Vice Principals Ms. Padmaja Menon, Ms. Mini Ramesh, Asst Vice Principal Ms. Janarajani, and SSI Coordinator, Ms. Usha.
Reported by
Usha Kumari V
Coordinator SSI & Eco Club