ANNUAL TREE PLANTING CEREMONY, For Our Emirates We Plant programme:
Eco champs of Bhavans Natura had participated in the annual tree planting ceremony, For Our Emirates We Plant programme organised by the Emirates Environment Group, Dubai on 21-12-2021 at Al Minna Bee Reserve in south Ras Al Khaimah.
Aishwarya Shyjith and Ananya Gouri Patra of grade 7 were accompanied by teachers, Mr & Ms. Nitesh Singh and parents, Mr & Ms Shyjith. 7 Trees were planted by the Eco champs as a reward for recycling 9795 kgs of waste paper in OROC phase 1 & 2 and Recycle, Reforest, Repeat projects (3Rs) conducted by EEG. This event helped us promote in its deserving magnitude SDG 15, life on land.
Reported by
Usha Kumari
Coordinator SSI & Eco Club