Million Solar Stars-Star Power Project & Solar Rollers

Hello Roots & Shoots Stars!

Here’s a Mission Update from Universal American School students’ and the work we’ve been up to this fall:


Students are developing a Star Power Project and building solar models like these:

Solar BoxCopter Blades Work

Solar BoxCopter

Solar Rollers

High school students participated in the DEWA Shams Dubai Solar Roller competition between 17 schools this fall.  Here are some photos and video of the solar R/C car students built:

Solar Rollers Race

Light & Life

Grade 8 students are preparing for their 2018 Week Without Walls trip to Kenya, where the plan is to build on last year’s success.  Students are planning to provide an additional 200 solar reading lights to students at Mkamenyi Primary School.  We’re also seeking corporate sponsorship to install a 10kW solar array for the school.

Here is a Mkamenyi School Report of Appreciation from the Head Teacher at Mkamenyi Primary School for student service learning and solar reading light contributions from last year.

Star Power Project Action Plan

Students are developing an action plan to install a pilot and commercial solar array at UAS.  We want to create a model that students and teachers at other schools can use to bring solar technology into classrooms and on school rooftops.

Our focus is to engage students with hands-on solar technology, and the process of installing solar arrays to improve educational, environmental, and economic performance at schools around the world.

If you’re interested in collaborating with a Star Power Project or a Light & Life project of your own, please visit and contact us.

Here’s to Roots & Shoots greening up schools around the world, and to reaching for the stars!!!



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