“Hallogreen” at Fairgreen

What is Hallogreen?

Every year at Fairgreen International School, in keeping with our school ethos of encouraging sustainability, we host ‘Hallogreen’ where students and teachers dress-up in sustainable costumes to celebrate Halloween.

What message does Hallogreen send?

-Impact: Hallogreen reminds Fairgreen students to be mindful of the carbon footprint and impact on the environment even on special occasions such as Halloween. So much waste is generated during Halloween, and Fairgreen wants to send out the message that even just by making your own costume you are taking a step in the right direction, helping the environment through one costume at a time.

-Reaching the wider community: It also encourages not only students but families to be sustainable and recycle materials to create costumes. Hopefully through social media, this mentality and these actions can be seen by more people and schools and inspire them to be more sustainable in their next Halloween dress-up.

How do we encourage participation?

Prizes are allocated in 3 different categories:

  1. Most Creative
  2. Most Sustainable
  3. Best Group Costume

Having prizes for different costumes is a really good way to engage students and get them into a competitive spirit. The students enjoyed getting to see everyone’s costumes and the winners had something to be proud of as well!

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One Response to “Hallogreen” at Fairgreen

  1. This is wonderful Fairgreen!
    What a great way to raise awareness while having fun, we love Hallogreen!

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