Jane Goodall Inspired Research in Safa Community School

At SCS our Year 6 students, were set to the task of finding out about the famous primatologist, Jane Goodall. The students spent hours researching her inspiring life achievements and uncovered hundreds of facts about her early life, her career as a primatologist, her impressive achievements, her role as a UN Messenger of Peace and many more! Year 6 were inspired by Jane’s life long dedication of studying primates, her passion for animals and the environment as well as her important messages for future generations. For their home learning task, the students found many unique ways to share their research which now decorates our shared learning areas! The students made everything from dioramas, power point presentations, models, biographies, documentaries, posters, artwork and even banana bread! 



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One Response to Jane Goodall Inspired Research in Safa Community School

  1. What a great way to learn about Dr Jane and all she has done for us and our Planet. Well done team! 🙂

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