A day to take in your surroundings, appreciate them, and make an effort to be kind to your planet.

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22. It is a day celebrated around the world, when we pause to think about the environment.

This year PIES, Abu Dhabi also celebrated the Earth Day with various activities at school to commemorate our benevolent Mother earth.

A special assembly was conducted for Kindergarten, primary and secondary students on the theme of Earth day ‘Protect Our Species’. This was followed by a display of students from grades 3-5 to show their love towards Mother Earth. A pledge was taken by all the students to protect Mother Earth and her species, and even they pledged to continue their efforts till they could create an impact around them. This was followed by a mellifluous song written and composed by the students – One Earth One Future.

A PowerPoint was presented on the theme of Earth Day by the secondary students which invigorated the young minds towards the conservation of wildlife. An innovative session on edible cutlery was conducted by Vivek Menon of Grade 9. The aim of the session was to sensitize the students to replace plastic cutlery by edible cutlery in their day to day life.

A thought-provoking skit, ‘Earth Our Life’ was conducted by the parents to motivate and urge the students to lead a sustainable way of life.  A session on ‘Water and Electricity conservation’ was conducted by ADDC to give practical tips to conserve water and electricity with the motto of ‘Voice of the Earth and Water for everyone’- to create maximum awareness and impact among the students on the important global issues like global warming and change in the climate.  Other activities like Poster Making and Collage Making competitions were held on 21 April, 2019.

These events rekindled emotive concerns and motivated the students to save, love and respect Mother Nature with all their hearts and souls.


Reported by

Usha kumari v & primi prajith

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