We have three tortoises at Al Muna Primary School which were rescued by a member of staff from a very sad life. They are now happily living with our chickens having lots of fun; however, they have gone a bit quiet recently…they seem to be hibernating! Even though it is still quite warm in Abu Dhabi,the weather is changing for the winter and it is definitely getting a little cooler. The tortoises have moved upstairs into the chicken coop, buried themselves under the hay and have gone to sleep! We will let you know when they wake up!
While they were sleeping, the children had a competition to see who could come up with some names for the tortoises, we had some brilliant ideas! They are called Shelly Oswald, Fiona Oswald and Michelangelo Oswald.
The Oswalds look great fun! Is there a story behind their names?
Not really to be honest! The children write their suggestions down, and we chose the favourites.