Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots UAE Newsletter Summer 2018

Dear Roots & Shoots Members,

Summer is here at last.

And I am so proud of the amazing work that you continue to produce and the difference that you continue to make.

Our annual awards this year was a spectacular display of creativity, innovation and resourcefulness. All our students and teachers within the Roots & Shoots family did us proud. The projects described in this newsletter are all testament to your hard work and dedication.

I hope that you enjoy reading about them as much as we did.

In the last newsletter I talked about celebration and inspiration. But what about Hope?

We live on a planet where, because of its many challenges, hope has somewhat faded into the background, especially for those facing political, social and economic obstacles. In some cases it has ceased to exist.

But it is hope that keeps us inspired isn’t it? Hope for the future; hope for our beloved planet; hope for our loved ones and hope for a better world in which to raise our children.

Despite the many obstacles we face, as Roots & Shoots crusaders, we must always strive to keep hope alive and at the forefront of our minds and hearts in all that we endeavour to do. So, thank you to all of you who continue to make the difference.

With hope in our hearts, I am confident that we can and will succeed.

Have a lovely Summer!

Tara Golshan

Executive Director, Education

To download the Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots UAE Newsletter Summer 2018, please click here

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