Exploring Sustainability in Youth Sports and Academic Conferences

The Middle East South Asia Conference (MESAC) is an athletic and academic conference that brings together six schools in the Middle East and Asia, encouraging friendly competition in middle and high school students. 

This year, the MESAC Sustainable committees at each of the participating schools came together to discuss food and single-use item waste occurring during these competitions. As a result of these discussions, an investigation and awareness campaign was launched within the MESAC participants, with every school committing to investigating the type of containers being used, disposed of, and the ways in which they were being disposed of throughout the competitions held on their respective campuses. 

After the investigation and findings, comes the need for action. At ACS, Roots and Shoots played a pivotal role in this project, helping to investigate the types of containers being thrown out from both our onsite food vendors and externally-bought food items. The findings were quite clear: while many of the materials used are recyclable, they were not being recycled. We are now working on solutions to this problem identified, and plan to better enable recycling by placing more recycling bins across the campus amongst other things.


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